Dynamic Mindfulness Workshops

to Unleash Creativity


Designed to unlock collective genius to aid the decision making process while boosting your teams energy, intuition and mental wellbeing, our dynamic meditation-making workshops are aimed at boundary pushing organisations & communities that really value the wellbeing, happiness & creativity of their people.

We all know the best ideas or solutions to those irritating problems can sometimes arrive unexpected as if by magic when we're least expecting it. Walking in nature, driving the car, taking a shower or bath etc, it is said that Albert Einstein had his big ideas while shaving. These spontaneous ideas all have one thing in common = SPACE or more accurately HEAD SPACE. Our unique method takes away the worries, stresses and daily pressures that can so often hinder creative progress & innovation. Boosting energy levels by connecting us to the empty space between & behind thoughts, this it not a dormant or passive space but rather a space or gap pregnant with possibilities 

The Sapien Method is a simple yet powerful overlapping process using the three pillars of Stillness, Play & Art.


Step 1 / Stillness - We use meditation as a tool to clear away the mental fog that can so often obstruct our creative potential,  taking us beyond our over-thinking mind, away from non-stop thoughts to a state of stillness, silence & spaciousness.

Step 2 / Mindful Making - the meditation continues into spontaneous, playful making activities, allowing participants to tap into their intuition, bringing a sense of freedom & 'primal creativity' opening up space for great ideas to form effortlessly in real time.

Step 3 / Art - The outcomes & abstract ideas from the previous steps can be captured & developed into playful art installations either as individuals or groups - here we bring the rational mind back into play.

Step 4 / Collective Genius - Additional steps can be introduced to put ideas in motion, channeling the previous steps into real world projects or business problems. Harnessing the process and your team's creative genius to come at the issue from a completely fresh and clear perspective. The Sapien Method clears away mental fog to become the ultimate brainstorming machine, sometimes you need to adopt an upside down approach to break the mould. 

This approach can also be used for private commissions, involving your community or team in the design process. This gives your stakeholders a real sense of ownership of their environment and the final piece/artwork in situ.

Sheffield Creative Guild Case Study

When we allocate time to switch off our minds then are given freedom to play, create, have fun & experiment something magical happens: Our minds become calm, clear & empty, our inner child/spirit is re-awakened, stress & time pressures dissolve creating space for original ideas to form in real time.

Comments from Participants 

"Really liked the opportunity to do some 'art'. Really felt focused - it was like being back at school in a good way! I found it extremely liberating & creative. It really helped to focus & explore a part of my mind I thought would never be used again!"

"By the end of the session I felt fully engaged in what we were doing. Being an individual in a room of people totally absorbed in their own space was fascinating. I felt quite stressed before but feel much calmer now."

"I was mega stressed before the workshop. The meditation was difficult because I was sitting with it - however it was a great segue into another activity that was mindful. It helped me forget my worries for an hour or so."

"The session left me in a sort of freedom state of creativity. The majority of the time I felt there was no intent behind the work I was producing - until the very end when I could recognise the themes and ideas present in the work I'd produced." 

"Became very engaged & absorbed, the technique allowed me to give up responsibility of the outcome liberating my creativity rather than judging myself. Felt like a community in the silence."

"I experienced it as challenging to work in the same room as others - used to working alone. But as a challenge it was very helpful in tuning into my own negative thinking & listening to my ebbs & flows."

"I found the meditation part very helpful to connect to my own mind & thoughts. When I first came here I was a bit anxious as I'm not very well to connect with other people - but now I feel more relaxed to open to others."

"Thoroughly involved & felt a sense of being. Steve's leadership through it was both engaging and enjoyable. This led to a very thoughtful meandering through my creative process and a reengagement with the materials and their relationship with the space."

"Started the session feeling anxious, anxious about if I would 'get it', what it would be like being creative with others, if I would know anyone. Ended with an interested mind."

Six Great Reasons Why This Method Works


You will work directly with Sapien founder Steve every time. Steve has 20 + years experience as a professional designer and 12 years running his own art studio/creative practice.


The workshops taught by Sapien use simple, fun & powerful techniques - they will help reduce & manage stress overload in your workplace, generating a culture of health, creativity & happiness. A healthy/happy team is a much more productive one.


The ability to respond and deliver faster results is a constant pressure for all organisations, if left unchecked this can lead to a crash & burn culture which equates to more sick days. Steve has become an expert at boosting his own wellbeing & performance over the years by creating space for meditation, play and the freedom to create - these factors form the bedrock of the Sapien Method and will help you get the best out of your teams - creating a more positive environment for teams to thrive in.


Engaging your people in unique interactive experiences can help drive passion and positive change in your workplace. Strengthening relationships and overall sense of community while unleashing the spirit of collaboration.


Problem solving and idea generation are key in all areas of business. Its easy to become stuck, blocked & even frustrated when under constant time pressure. These workshops turn the conventional creative planning process on its head to reveal unexpected outcomes and routes, these techniques will help brave clients push the boundaries to do original work that hasn't been done before. Sometimes you've got to embrace an 'upside-down' strategy to get radical results.


Steve has 18 years dedicated practice & began teaching meditation in 2013, during that time he has literally delivered 100’s of classes. In 2016 he completed his teacher training with esteemed master DavidJi in California. Steve worked closely with the University of Sheffield for 2 years to help their staff & students find inner calm amongst hectic academic studies. Steve also runs regular workshops at Excel Martial Arts Academy and has delivered many classes for Nufield Health, Prime Mover Gym & Site Gallery in Sheffield as well working with dozens of private clients & sessions for the general public.

See Steve's profile on the DavidJi certified teacher page: here

Built on Reputation / Clients & Organisations That Have Benefited From our Unique Training


Oriana Franceschi / Programme Manager / Sheffield Creative Guild

"We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our members who attended Steve’s workshop. For creative practitioners who are often isolated, and for whom art can become more work than play, the opportunity to create without the pressure to perfect, sell or even display your work (in a warm and friendly environment) is a welcome reminder of why art became your passion in the first place. The opportunity to take some time out of your day to meditate and take a break from the pressures of a busy life is always welcome, and Steve finds creative and accessible ways to achieve some calm for even the novice meditator (like myself!)."

Shamik Mavani / PHD Student / The University of Sheffield

"The classes have taught me a lot about what meditation and mindfulness is, a simple practice to keep your mind, brain and body healthy. Steve’s approach and sessions are very relaxed and informative, not just how to practice mediation but he also explains the broader perspective. It helped to keep me refreshed during a busy academic year, and after a couple of months my focus, attentiveness and ability to keep a clearer mind has improved. It’s something I’d highly recommend as a healthy practice."

Dominika Kolarova / Residence Life Coordinator / The University of Sheffield

"Steve has been leading our mindfulness sessions at the University of Sheffield, facilitating weekly sessions where students can learn the basic principles or mindfulness and meditation. The sessions were varied and we had positive feedback from students."

Lee Revitt / Excel Academy / Martial Arts Student

"I’ve attended the last 3 meditation sessions at Excel over the last 3 months. Steve Anwar is a fantastic teacher of meditation and mindfulness and has an inspiring personal story to why he started meditating. Over the last 3 months I’ve started meditating every day and it’s having a positive effect in my life! I would highly recommend it."

Kate Geneva / Project Commissioner / THE COLLABORATORS

“A really nice man to work with who is both caring and careful as a practitioner. I can’t think of a better person to deliver this much needed, even essential play and improvisation workshop. I particular enjoyed switching off which seemed to allow space for ideas & movements to happen naturally. Such a unique & helpful process to refresh the mind."

Transform Work-Stress into

Creative Progress

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